Epic Games, the creator of Fortnite, is set to unveil an innovative gaming experience in collaboration with Lego. This venture, poised to launch on December 7, is a groundbreaking “survival crafting LEGO adventure,” marking a significant expansion in Fortnite’s gaming landscape.
Tailored for players aged 10 and up, this new game, titled Lego Fortnite, is anticipated to offer a vast multiplayer world blending the building elements of Lego with Fortnite’s engaging gameplay. This family-friendly adventure aims to foster creativity, experimentation, and collaborative play, diverging from the intense battle royale format that Fortnite is known for.
The partnership, first announced in April last year, was initially focused on developing a child-friendly space in the metaverse. While the term “metaverse” has somewhat diminished in popularity, the appeal of online multiplayer games, customizable avatars, and virtual items continues to soar.
In addition to Lego Fortnite, Epic Games is introducing two more exciting in-game offerings. “Rocket Racing,” developed by Rocket League creators Psyonix, promises to be a thrilling supersonic arcade racer. Meanwhile, “Fortnite Festival,” crafted by the creators of Rock Band, will allow players to perform onstage with hit songs from famous artists, adding a musical dimension to the Fortnite universe.
These expansions, fueled by Epic’s acquisitions of Psyonix and Harmonix, demonstrate the company’s commitment to diversifying its gaming portfolio and enhancing the Fortnite experience. Lego Fortnite stands out as a potential flagship in this new direction, merging two beloved gaming worlds for an unprecedented adventure.